The attorneys at Orr | Cook advise individuals and companies on all aspects of buying a new business or selling their own.  Acquiring or merging with an existing business or selling your own has substantial benefits, but only if it is done right. Our attorneys have handled all types of transactions from multibillion dollar public deals to small transactions involving only a few million dollars. Our attorneys have worked on transactions and advised clients about transactions across a wide variety of industries including:

  • Information technology
  • Software
  • Medical and healthcare
  • Dental
  • Veterinary
  • Staffing and consulting
  • Real estate
  • Construction

Our lawyers are able to draw on the experience of other lawyers in the firm’s employment law group, real estate department, and litigation department.  While many lawyers and law firms focus solely on getting the deal closed, our lawyers are guided by one goal: protecting the client’s interest, and sometimes that means advising the client to walk.

For dispositions, we often work with individuals and companies well in advance of a potential liquidation event, in many cases years before an event, to structure the organization and position it to maximize shareholder value.  We work with our clients to source investment bankers and other professionals guiding them through the process of developing a confidential information memorandum (or “book”), we evaluate letters of intent, work on controlling the due diligence process, and negotiate and draft purchase agreements.  Again, at all times, our goal remains protecting our clients’ interests.